What is alliteration? It is the repetition of the first letter sound in a phrase. For example: six slimy smiling snakes is using the s letter. Do you remember being introduced to Tongue Twisters as a child? Chances are you were being introduced to alliteration to build on your phonemic awareness skills. It can be fun to make up your own tongue twisters. Here are a few to get you thinking:
Angry Apes Ate Apricots All Afternoon!
Andrea Andrews Ate Abbigales Apples!
get the idea?
Can any of you think of any more?!
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A to Z Tongue Twisters
An agile, angry ape addled up the avenue.
"Beware," the bee buzzed boistrously, "Beware the bitter brew."
Crying came the crone creeping from the ...
"A" alliteration
Alligators attacked and ate all animals.
Dancing Donkeys Alliteration
Daring Donkeys danced during Darla's diet Dr. Pepper drinking dog display!
A - Z. Alliteration - find more phonics definitions here
