Lesson Plans for Teaching Letter Sounds: I refer to the lessons as 'steps' because that is what they are. Each, little step builds on previous sounds and decodable phonics words already learnt. By teaching the steps in the order given, you can be confident that you,are covering all the necessary phonics sounds to build confident readers. The order of letter sounds being taught is recommended by Jolly Phonics.
A suggested 10-15 minute weekly lesson plan is included. However this is just a guide. Please progress at a pace that is comfortable for you and your child . If it takes two or even three weeks - it doesn't matter! Let your child guide the pace you take. Remember to make it fun! This is not intended to be a full phonics programme, but as a supplement to be used with other reading resources. Step/Lesson Plan 1. Aim: To learn the letter sounds: s, a ,t, i ,p, n and to decode words that contain these letters. Contents: -
Flash Cards - s, a, t, i, p, n -
Letter Game -
Word List -
Sound Book -
Decodable text -
Suggested lesson plan -
Handwriting practice sheet -
Certificate/Award -
Silly Sentence Word Box -
Teacher Notes -
Scroll down to print a copy of lesson plan 1
Lesson Plan - Step 1 includes: s,a,t,i,n,p Flash Cards Word List Letter Game Sound Book Decodable Text Daily Lesson Plan Handwriting Sheet Certificate Award Silly Sentences Teacher Notes 19 pages!
Click Here to print your free lesson plan | Lesson Plan - Step 2 includes: c, k, ck, e, h, r, m, d -
Flash Cards -
Word List -
Letter Game -
Sound Book -
Decodable Text -
Suggested Lesson Plan -
Handwriting Sheet -
Certificate Award -
Silly Sentence Game -
Teacher Notes -
Extension Lesson ideas 30+ Pages! Click Here to print your free lesson plan |
The Lesson Plans have been created in Microsoft Word and are in PDF format.
Step 3. - g, o, u, l, f, b -
Step 4. - ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or -
Step 5. - z, w, ng, nk, v, short oo, long oo -
Step 6. - y (4 sounds), x, ch, sh, voiced th, unvoiced th -
Step 7. - qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar |
Printable phonics worksheets:
